In today’s fast-paced society, where time is at a premium and mobility is key, owning a car has become indispensable. Yet, with car ownership comes the responsibility of maintaining its cleanliness and upkeep. The Rapid Car Spa, founded by Anoop Kumar, offers a solution by providing eco-friendly, cost-effective waterless car wash services. Our platform streamlines the booking process, ensuring customers receive top-quality, hassle-free service with unparalleled sanitation standards using waterproof, eco-friendly products. Through our innovative approach, we aim to promote water conservation and set a new standard in car care, challenging traditional methods prevalent in the market.

Experience the convenience of clean, hassle-free, and expert auto cleaning services at Rapid Car Spa’s virtual vehicle spa. Our eco-friendly approach offers customers a top-tier daily car cleaning service right at their doorstep, facilitated through our user-friendly mobile application. Professional cleaners, trained in environmentally friendly practices, are seamlessly connected with car owners via our platform. With a sophisticated system handling all transactions, from inquiries to service reservations to real-time updates, customers can expect a smooth experience throughout. Rapid Car Spa operates a network of car care centers across the city, managing administration, logistics, and maintenance to ensure the success of our programs.
shine your car everyday & ride it in style.
Rapid Car Spa is based on subcription model provides our customer with first choice, environmental friendly daily car cleaning services at door step. Currently service to apartments only.